Dual Language Program
There are approximately 63 different languages spoken within our school district. All parents or guardians of newly enrolled students complete a Home Language Survey to inform school staff of the language(s) their child speaks at home. If a student speaks a language other than English at home, we administer an assessment to measure the student’s knowledge of English. A student demonstrating the need for support in learning English is identified as an English Language Learner and provided with appropriate services.
Dual Language Program
Our Hawthorn Dual Language Program provides instruction in two languages, with the goal of promoting proficiency in oral and written aspects of both languages, cross cultural understandings, and high levels of academic achievement.
The Hawthorn School of Dual Language is a two-way Spanish immersion program for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Goals of this program include high academic achievement, bilingualism/biliteracy, and the development of cross-cultural understandings. Students interact in their native language with English dominant and Spanish dominant peers, as classes are composed of students with both language backgrounds. Content area instruction takes place in English and Spanish for all students within the classroom setting. This program is offered to English Language Learners and native English speakers. Additional information regarding the Hawthorn School of Dual Language is linked below.
Students that attended the Hawthorn School of Dual Language have the option to continue their dual language educational experience at each of our middle schools. Our dual language program at the middle school level consists of a Spanish Language Arts/ Literacy Course, as well as a social studies course with content instruction in Spanish. This extended program supports continued development of both academic and language skills. Additional information regarding the Middle School Dual Language Program is linked below.
Other Programs for English Learners
English as a New Language
The English as a New Language (ENL) program was formerly called English as a Second Language (ESL). The goal of the program is to provide instruction in English with support in the student's home language until they become English proficient. Students from many different language backgrounds are taught together, and English may be the only common language among them. All of our schools have an ENL program.
Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
When there are 20 or more students that speak the same language, the state requires school districts to provide instruction in English and the home language of the students. The goal of this program is to support students' in their home language while they fully transition to English-only instruction. Currently, Lincoln School has a designated classroom supporting students in Spanish and English. Additional TBE programs are located within each of our schools and services provided in a pull-out model. Each of these TBE programs provide language support in Spanish and English, with the exception of Townline School. The Townline TBE program supports students in Russian and English.
As students’ English improves, they spend more time learning in English and less time learning in their home language. Students exit the program when they are no longer identified as English Language Learners.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the structure of the dual language program in Hawthorn District 73?
- How do the goals of the dual language program align with the Hawthorn School District 73 strategic plan?
- What are the benefits of enrolling my child in a dual language program?
- Where is the dual language program located in Hawthorn District 73?
- What is the process for enrollment into the dual language program?
- What does the dual language program look like at the middle schools?
- Are there different learning standards for students in the dual language program?
- Will my child be able to participate in the same activities as students not enrolled in dual language programming?
- How will the dual language program impact my child and their world language placement in high school?
- May I select only one dual language course in the dual language program at the middle school level?
- How will students be graded? Will there be a different report card?
- Who are the instructors for the dual language program?
- How are special education services provided?
- When do I have to indicate my interest in enrolling my child in the dual language program?